Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Oy Madonna

Look, I'm as much a fan of Madonna's as the next gay boy who came out in the eighties, saw the Blond Ambition tour live, and thought it a cop-out to change to arrangements to the score of Evita to accommodate Madge's limited vocal abilities (while allowing the part of Che to be played as a second rate Magaldi channeling a Latin version of the Elvis of Vegas years). However, these pics of Madonna - albeit the hotter we've seen in a long time - are not a testament to the Material Girl's retaining her vigor of yore, but rather of the talent of the photographer, the lighting designer, the makeup artist, the hair person, the artistic director and the photoshop artist - akin to the impact of CGI on a movie like Price of Persia. I'm just sayin!




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